Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice charged back

This step seems to be a continuation of the drama of the trial of Gloria Arroyo's efforts are forbidden to travel abroad to seek treatment-related bone disease he suffered.

Earlier Supreme Court overturned the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Philippines which prohibits Arroyo flew out of the country. However, when arriving at the airport on 15 November, the immigration authorities still do not allow Arroyo climbed into the plane.

One member of the lower house of Congress of the Philippines said this decision as an important step in asking for accountability Gloria Arroyo.

"This is an important step for former President Gloria Arroyo accountable for the crimes he has done to people," said Teodoro Casino, as quoted by Reuters news agency.

Casino accused the Chairman of the Supreme Court sided with his former employer, Arroyo.
Arroyo appointed

"This is an important step for the former president Gloria Arroyo accountable for the crimes done to citizens."

Teodoro Casino

Before voting in parliament lasted, Corona said he would fight the case he describes as a secret effort to remove him from office.

"I want to tell that the Chief Justice remained in office and will lead the struggle against any party who wants to destroy the courts and their independence," he told reporters.

Renato Corona was appointed as Chairman of the Supreme Court when President Arroyo was in power or the week after last year's election which was won by Benigno Aquino.

It was Aquino, who won an absolute victory with one of the promises of fighting corruption, is still not take over power from Arroyo.

President Aquino accused Corona obstruct efforts to bring in power along the Arroyo-2001-2010 - to court.

Arroyo is now being treated at a military hospital while awaiting a court decision at the request of his lawyer that he was placed under house arrest.

He was convicted of fraud in the election of members of Congress and a number of corruption charges.